Terraced Mine | Diamond Museum Complex

Location: Dalian

Year: 2020

GFA:141,000 sqm


The complex features a high-end customized experience of the theme of diamond- a museum, a design school, boutique retail stores, office, and service apartment. The scheme drives inspiration from the mine pit of diamond. The podium takes the metaphor of the “mine” that is closely connected to the ground, while the towers, standing tall, are the glittering jewels that are excavated from the earth.


Carved out from the ground, the space of the podium is made up of ramps and slops and sets in levels of terraces. Two courtyards are created in this way with distinctive characters- one dedicated to the museum, and the other as an indoor winter garden to the retail. The towers occupy the opposite corners of the site and are connected by a bridge, which contains an observatory as well as the hotel amenities of swimming pool and bar. The visitors are able to enjoy premium services with an extraordinary view of the city.

Chasing the Wind | Panda Base Sightseeing Tower